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사용자정의 예외

>>> class NegativeDivisionError(Exception):        << 사용자정의 예외 정의

def __init__(self, value):

self.value = value

>>> def PositiveDivide(a, b):

if(b < 0):

raise NegativeDivisionError(b)       << 제수가 0보다 적은 경우  NegativeDivisionError 발생

return a / b

>>> try:

ret = PositiveDivide(10, -3)

print('10 / 3 = {0}'.format(ret))

except NegativeDivisionError as e:

print("Error - Second argument of PositiveDivide is ", e.value)

except ZeroDivisionError as e:

print("Error - ", e.args[0])


print("Unexpected exception")

Error - Second argument of PositiveDivide is  -3

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